Like Father - Like Son

I grew up in a family where my father used to do a lot of traveling for work. He would usually leave very early on Monday and return home on Friday.

Dad was like most dads. He would spend the weekend doing chores around the house. He and my brother would care for our vegetable garden. He loved football in the fall and never missed an Air Force Academy football game that I can remember.

But, most of all Dad loved to fish. Every year, for Christmas, my brother and I could always count on our fishing licenses as one of the presents under the tree. As he got older, he continued to buy our fishing licenses and I believe it was insurance that one of us would be around to take him with when we went.

My father’s love of fishing took a hold of me when I was young and guided me to study wildlife and natural resources in college. As I became more involved in conservation, it became much more apparent that what we do is not for the here and now but to ensure that the things we love are available to future generations. The money we raise to assist with a prescribed burn; the seedlings we plant to provide new habitat; the burned areas we reseed to avoid cheatgrass infestation – these are all done for the future and not the here and now.

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